The Last Word

Your long day of corporate drudgery is over. Get out and enjoy the city! Here are a few ideas to get you started, lovingly picked by Boston Daily.

Do today’s college students find Seinfeld funny, or will it be all old fogies like us stopping by Harvard Square for the Seinfeld Campus Tour? This event features a busload of memorabilia, games (we’re guessing one will have a “master of his or her domain” theme), and prizes.

Love Junot Diaz, but didn’t get tickets to his reading? The author and MIT professor has agreed to sign copies of The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao after tonight’s event.

What, no “Shipping Up to Boston?” Boston Landmarks at the Shell performs a baseball and Americana-themed program.

Fall makes us want to find a mate—nobody likes a winter spent shivering under the covers alone. Tangierino’s Imilchil Feast prix fixe event is inspired by the Moroccan harvest festival that brings boys and girls together for the purpose of marriage.