Clarifying the Fine Print on the Whitey Bulger Reward

1220542551The fine print always breaks our heart. It’s where we learn that we can’t apply our Macy’s coupon for an item that’s already on sale. The tiny font reveals that our 0-percent interest credit card morphs into a 22-percent monster after a year. It’s where all the promise of a great offer is dashed at the bottom of the page.

Apparently, this phenomenon isn’t limited to retail. Our daily papers were in disagreement over who can reap the $2 million reward for helping to capture James “Whitey” Bulger.

From the Globe:

US Attorney Michael J. Sullivan said anyone who leads investigators to Bulger could be eligible for the reward, even the fugitive’s girlfriend, 57-year-old Catherine Greig, who is charged with harboring Bulger and is believed to be traveling with him.

From the Herald (print edition):

U.S. Attorney Michael J. Sullivan said neither Greig’s nor Bulger’s families, including his brother, former state Senate President William Bulger, could be eligible to collect the $2 million bounty.

Sullivan’s office didn’t return our calls for comment, but no matter. The Herald corrected its story online, and confirms that the Greigs and the Bulgers are still contestants in the Catch Whitey sweepstakes.

Come on, friends of Bulger and Grieg. Unless you have a hot tip on Osama bin Laden (he’s the FBI’s $25 million man), this is the easiest way to become a millionaire. Hell, we’re going to start reporting every Irish grandpa we see in the hopes that we’ll get lucky. The odds are probably better than playing Mega Millions.

The Martyrdom of John Connolly

The Brother Bulger