Daily Feed: Monday. Night. Football.

Game Notes: Patriots Regular Season Starts Tonight in Miami. Welcome back to the time of year where it’s perfectly acceptable to park it on the couch and shout at the TV for the better part of the day on Sunday. Ahead of tonight’s debut on MNF, check out the ESPN areas of interest, or, if you’re not all that interested, read this column about Tom Brady’s 34-year-old death sentence. [ESPN.com]

Will Whitey Bulger Continue to Escape Justice This Time? Spoiler alert: Probably not. [TheDailyBeast.com]

Time to Open Your Wallet for Content from BostonGlobe.com. The NYT-owned newspaper rolled out its paywall and trial today, brought to you by Coldwell Banker. [Bloomberg.com]

Groupon’s Possible Effect on Bad Yelp Reviews. In a study out last week, John Byers and Georgia Zervas, of Boston University, and Michael Mitzenmacher, of Harvard, take an economic look at daily deal sites then crunch the data against data from Facebook and Yelp users. Turns out that, in this case, quantity of customer does not necessarily equal quality of Yelp review. [BusinessInsider.com]

Assessing the ‘Recent Train Wreck’ That is the Boston Red Sox. Even Ortiz is starting to enter panic mode. What is going on? [MassLive.com]