Dr. Ted Filandrianos & Associates

“Dental treatment shouldn’t just focus on the mouth, it should focus on the whole patient,” says Dr. Ted Filandrianos, or “Dr. Ted,” as he is affectionately known. Whether a patient comes to the office for cosmetic dentistry, periodontics and implant dentistry, neuromuscular dentistry, or general restorative and cosmetic procedures, all of their dental needs are met in one office.

Dr. Ted cares about getting to know each patient, which means taking the time to talk about each patient’s concerns. Treatment is provided by a team of specialists, each with more than thirty years of experience. “We specialize in many extreme cases that other dentists don’t have the expertise to perform,” says Dr. Ted. In these cases the team will work together to formulate the best plan for the patient.

Dr. Ted’s team plans for the patient’s comfort as well by offering oral conscious sedation to help patients relax during procedures. Dr. Ted also uses cutting-edge technology such as digital x-rays, intraoral cameras, CAD/CAM technology, and laser dentistry to improve efficiency and outcomes.

Dr. Ted Filandrianos and his team’s ultimate goal is to help patients improve their oral health, dental function, and give them a smile that boosts their overall confidence.

Dr. Ted Filandrianos & Associates
1400 Centre Street, Suite 101 | Newton Centre, MA 02459
617.244.4871 | teethbydrted.com

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