Mark Wahlberg Has a New Apparel Line

Presenting the limited edition Indian Motorcycle Mark Wahlberg Collection, brought to you by people who only wear T-shirts.

indian motorcycle mark wahlberg collection

Via Indian Motorcycle

With his first fashion team-up since his good ol’ Calvin Klein days, Mark Wahlberg is launching a limited edition apparel line with Americana heritage brand Indian Motorcycle.

The collection, consisting of men’s and women’s t-shirts and tank tops, is fairly minimalistic. It incorporates vintage prints with the Indian Motorcycle logo, and also pays homage to our fair city by using that signature kelly green color we know so well. The line is for the casual type, with the slim-fits and cotton fabrics—all so very Mark Wahlberg street style.

The backside of the shirts also have a small “MW” emblem at the neckline, a sign of the one and only, while the front sides have a variety of prints, both large and small.

Indian Motorcycle is the first brand Mark Wahlberg will represent in more than twenty years. The collection is only available at Indian Motorcycle dealerships or

Mark Wahlberg Collection - Group Shot

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