Favorite Pins of the Week
We are suckers for Pinterest’s unusual mix of motivation, inspiration, and organization. Here are our favorite health and fitness finds of the week:
The Boston Marathon has its own treadmill.
A little bit amazing, a little bit too much.
Source: fitnessexperts.com via Megan on Pinterest
Especially in Boston. You can’t swing a handbag without hitting a passing jogger in this city.
Source: getting-fit-for-me.tumblr.com via Devery on Pinterest
Boston yoga teacher Andrea Isabelle
Officially added to the must take her class list.
Source: yogatrail.com via Maiya on Pinterest
New Balance 110 winter running shoe
You, 1: Icy sidewalk, 0
Source: newbalancetoronto.ca via Rebecca on Pinterest
Source: departmentstorehistory.net via Kay on Pinterest
Are you on Pinterest? Follow us at pinterest.com/bostonmagazine/hub-health