The Herald Has Gambler’s Remorse

1209050329As the fickle creatures that we are, we often regret letting things pass out of our lives. Whether it’s a dress at H&M or a significant other that didn’t quite work out, we find ourselves wondering how our lives would be different if the object of our affection was still in them.

The one thing we don’t miss is the idea of three resort casinos in Massachusetts. But the Herald seems to have a case of the what-ifs.

In today’s edition of the tabloid, business reporter Scott Van Voorhis practically dons a black veil and wails in misery because Pennsylvanians are getting a $169 rebate check from their casino-enriched state coffers.

Eat your heart out, Massachusetts.

Every Pennsylvania homeowner will be getting a 10 percent tax rebate check this summer because of the Keystone State’s approval of casino gambling.

And pro-casino lawmakers here say Massachusetts homeowners could – and should – be enjoying a similar tax break.

It’s $169. That won’t buy a week’s worth of groceries for the average family.

It’s strange stuff coming from a paper that embraced casinos only because Gov. Deval Patrick was talking about spending money on several big initiatives.

The trouble is, there weren’t nearly enough taxpayer dollars to achieve any of that. And let’s be honest, even if the Legislature goes along with his plan to auction off three state licenses for full-scale resort-style casinos, the governor’s eyes are still far bigger than the taxpayers’ wallets.

But at least we won’t have to endure the hypocrisy of a chief executive who demands more and more from taxpayers – but overlooks one of the solutions that is staring him in the face, then hopping into its car and driving to Connecticut.

With the economy in a downward spiral, many of the governor’s initiatives have been deferred, and, as we learned during the casino proposal’s short lifetime, House Speaker Sal DiMasi isn’t buying what Patrick is selling.

It was a flawed proposal that, by the tabloid’s own admission in an October 17 op-ed, the Governor handled badly. The Pennsylvanians can have their $169. We’re happier without the casinos.