The Last Word

Your long day of corporate drudgery is over. Get out and enjoy the city! Here are a few ideas to get you started, lovingly picked by Boston Daily.

Football season is upon us. If you can’t wait for the Patriots to play on Sunday, watch the Giants take on the Redskins tonight with some of the team’s stars. Jarvis Green, Ben Watson, and Kevin Faulk will be at this NFL Kickoff Party, which raises money for the Jarvis Green Foundation.

The advent of fall also means the outdoor activity season is coming to a close. This year’s Somermovie Fest wraps up by screening Alfred Hitchcock’s Notorious at Seven Hills Park in Somerville.

Do you have a crush on the bouncer at your favorite after-work watering hole, but know he’s off-limits while he’s on the clock? Look for him at Toro’s Industry Night. Odds are he’ll be filling up on complimentary tapas.

Bostonista loves Dean Mellen. Find out why as Atelier, the stylist’s latest salon, opens tonight.