shopping survey

Do you love to shop? Or does the mere thought fill you with dread? How have our spending habits changed, what do we purchase, and who are we buying it for?

Take our survey and find out. Results will appear in Boston magazine’s November issue.

Do you love to shop? Or does the mere thought fill you with dread? How have our spending habits changed, what do we purchase, and who are we buying it for? Take our survey and find out. Results will appear in the magazine’s November issue.

function emailCheck (emailStr) {
var emailPat=/^(.+)@(.+)$/;
var specialChars=”\(\)@,;:\\\”\.\[\]”;
var validChars=”[^\s” + specialChars + “]”;
var quotedUser=”(“[^”]*”)”;
var ipDomainPat=/^[(d{1,3}).(d{1,3}).(d{1,3}).(d{1,3})]$/;
var atom=validChars + '+';
var word=”(” + atom + “|” + quotedUser + “)”;
var userPat=new RegExp(“^” + word + “(\.” + word + “)*$”);
var domainPat=new RegExp(“^” + atom + “(\.” + atom +”)*$”);
var matchArray=emailStr.match(emailPat);
if (matchArray==null) {
alert(“Email address seems incorrect (check @ and .'s)”);
return false;
var user=matchArray[1];
var domain=matchArray[2];
if (user.match(userPat)==null) {
alert(“The username doesn't seem to be valid.”);
return false;
var IPArray=domain.match(ipDomainPat);
if (IPArray!=null) {
for (var i=1;i<=4;i++) {
if (IPArray[i]>255) {
alert(“Destination IP address is invalid!”);
return false;
return true;
var domainArray=domain.match(domainPat);
if (domainArray==null) {
alert(“The domain name doesn't seem to be valid.”);
return false;
var atomPat=new RegExp(atom,”g”);
var domArr=domain.match(atomPat);
var len=domArr.length;
if ((domArr[domArr.length-1] != “info”) &&
(domArr[domArr.length-1] != “name”) &&
(domArr[domArr.length-1] != “arpa”) &&
(domArr[domArr.length-1] != “coop”) &&
(domArr[domArr.length-1] != “aero”)) {
if (domArr[domArr.length-1].length<2 ||
domArr[domArr.length-1].length>3) {
alert(“The address must end in a three-letter domain, or two letter country.”);
return false;
if (len<2) {
var errStr=”This address is missing a hostname!”;
return false;
return true;
function UPTvalidateform(thisform)
$ok=0;for (var i=0; i < thisform.val_11.length; i++) { if (thisform.val_11[i].checked==”1″) { $ok=1; break; }}if ($ok==0){
alert(“Please enter a value for Gender”);
return(true);}$ok=0;for (var i=0; i < thisform.val_33267.length; i++) { if (thisform.val_33267[i].checked==”1″) { $ok=1; break; }}if ($ok==0){
alert(“Please enter a value for I am:”);
return(true);}$ok=0;for (var i=0; i < thisform.val_33268.length; i++) { if (thisform.val_33268[i].checked==”1″) { $ok=1; break; }}if ($ok==0){
alert(“Please enter a value for I live in:”);
return(true);}$ok=0;for (var i=0; i < thisform.val_33269.length; i++) { if (thisform.val_33269[i].checked==”1″) { $ok=1; break; }}if ($ok==0){
alert(“Please enter a value for I do the majority of my shopping:”);
return(true);}$ok=0;for (var i=0; i < thisform.val_33270.length; i++) { if (thisform.val_33270[i].checked==”1″) { $ok=1; break; }}if ($ok==0){
alert(“Please enter a value for In general, I’m more inclined to spend money on:”);
return(true);}$ok=0;for (var i=0; i < thisform.val_33271.length; i++) { if (thisform.val_33271[i].checked==”1″) { $ok=1; break; }}if ($ok==0){
alert(“Please enter a value for I usually shop for non-necessities:”);
return(true);}$ok=0;for (var i=0; i < thisform.val_33272.length; i++) { if (thisform.val_33272[i].checked==”1″) { $ok=1; break; }}if ($ok==0){
alert(“Please enter a value for In the past six months, I’ve splurged on:”);
return(true);}$ok=0;for (var i=0; i < thisform.val_33273.length; i++) { if (thisform.val_33273[i].checked==”1″) { $ok=1; break; }}if ($ok==0){
alert(“Please enter a value for On a typical shopping spree, I’ll spend around:”);
return(true);}$ok=0;for (var i=0; i < thisform.val_33274.length; i++) { if (thisform.val_33274[i].checked==”1″) { $ok=1; break; }}if ($ok==0){
alert(“Please enter a value for The total amount I’ve spent shopping in the past six months is around:”);
return(true);}$ok=0;for (var i=0; i < thisform.val_33275.length; i++) { if (thisform.val_33275[i].checked==”1″) { $ok=1; break; }}if ($ok==0){
alert(“Please enter a value for Do you spend more or less today on luxury goods than 5 years ago?”);
return(true);}$ok=0;for (var i=0; i < thisform.val_33276.length; i++) { if (thisform.val_33276[i].checked==”1″) { $ok=1; break; }}if ($ok==0){
alert(“Please enter a value for Which factor is most important when choosing where to shop:”);
return(true);}$ok=0;for (var i=0; i < thisform.val_33277.length; i++) { if (thisform.val_33277[i].checked==”1″) { $ok=1; break; }}if ($ok==0){
alert(“Please enter a value for I typically shop: “);
return(true);}$ok=0;for (var i=0; i < thisform.val_33278.length; i++) { if (thisform.val_33278[i].checked==”1″) { $ok=1; break; }}if ($ok==0){
alert(“Please enter a value for When I shop for clothing, I’m more inclined to buy: “);
return(true);}$ok=0;for (var i=0; i < thisform.val_33279.length; i++) { if (thisform.val_33279[i].checked==”1″) { $ok=1; break; }}if ($ok==0){
alert(“Please enter a value for Typically, I:”);
return(true);}$ok=0;for (var i=0; i < thisform.val_33280.length; i++) { if (thisform.val_33280[i].checked==”1″) { $ok=1; break; }}if ($ok==0){
alert(“Please enter a value for My favorite local one-stop-shopping store is:”);
return(true);}$ok=0;for (var i=0; i < thisform.val_33281.length; i++) { if (thisform.val_33281[i].checked==”1″) { $ok=1; break; }}if ($ok==0){
alert(“Please enter a value for I shop:”);
return(true);}$ok=0;for (var i=0; i < thisform.val_33282.length; i++) { if (thisform.val_33282[i].checked==”1″) { $ok=1; break; }}if ($ok==0){
alert(“Please enter a value for I [shop]:”);
return(true);}$ok=0;for (var i=0; i < thisform.val_33283.length; i++) { if (thisform.val_33283[i].checked==”1″) { $ok=1; break; }}if ($ok==0){
alert(“Please enter a value for I am more willing to spend money on:”);
if (emailCheck(

if (document.getElementById('unsubscribe')
&& !document.getElementById('unsubscribe').checked) {

return false;
return true;

Please fill in the fields below:
(required fields in bold)
Gender Female

I am: 18 to 25 years old
25 to 35 years old
35 to 45 years old
45 to 60 years old
60 years old or over

I live in: metro Boston
the northern suburbs
the western suburbs
the southern suburbs

I do the majority of my shopping: online

In general, I’m more inclined to spend money on: clothing
home decor

I usually shop for non-necessities: every week
a few times a month
once a month
once every other month

In the past six months, I’ve splurged on: shoes
a handbag
a coat
none of the above

On a typical shopping spree, I’ll spend around: $200
$1,000 and over

The total amount I’ve spent shopping in the past six months is around: $250
$10,000 and over

Do you spend more or less today on luxury goods than 5 years ago? More

Which factor is most important when choosing where to shop: selection
none of the above

I typically shop: less than 5 miles from home
5-10 miles from home
10-25 miles from home
25 miles or more from home

When I shop for clothing, I’m more inclined to buy: high-end brand names
moderately priced brand names
up-and-coming designers
vintage or consignment clothes
inexpensive brand names

Typically, I: prefer to shop at several independent retailers
prefer to buy everything at once at a department store

My favorite local one-stop-shopping store is: Louis Boston
Saks Fifth Avenue
Neiman Marcus

I shop: because I need something
because I want something
just for fun

I shop: alone
with friends
with my significant other

I am more willing to spend money on: myself