Museums, Politicians, Chefs, and More Bet on Super Bowl XLIX

There's so much more at stake than the Vince Lombardi trophy. Here are some of the wagers that have been made so far.

super bowl bets


Chris Evans vs. Chris Pratt

Captain America, a Massachusetts native and Pats fan, called out the Guardian of the Galaxy on Twitter. The terms of their bet are nothing short of marvelous. If the Patriots win, Pratt must dress up as Star-Lord and visit the Boston nonprofit Christopher’s Haven while wearing a Tom Brady jersey. If the Seahawks win, Evans must dress up the Avengers leader and visit Seattle Children’s Hospital waving the 12th man flag.



Clark Art Institute vs. Seattle Art Museum

Clark Art Institute in Williamstown and the Seattle Art Museum (SAM) are putting two beautiful works of art on the line. Each masterpiece represents the area that team hails from. If the Patriots win, SAM will lend Clark their “Puget Sound on the Pacific Coast” by Albert Bierstadt. If the Seahawks win, Clark will lend SAM their “West Point, Prout’s Neck” by Winslow Homer.



Governor Charlie Baker vs. Governor Maggie Hassan vs. Governor Jay Inslee

Since New England is a region and not a state, Gov. Hassan of New Hampshire is offering the Pats a little extra incentive, joining Gov. Baker in a bet with Washington’s Gov. Inslee. The terms are classic—and politically infallible: losers must donate to the winner’s food pantry. Here’s what each governor will donate:

Baker: Boston cream pie cupcakes from the Koffee Kup Bakery in Springfield
Inslee: 1,000 cups of Seattle clam chowder
Hassan: New Hampshire bacon



Michael Schlow vs. Mario Batali

Here’s another delicious food-related Super Bowl bet happening: Boston-based chef Michael Schlow—Tico, Via Matta, Alta Strada—and Seattle native chef Mario Batali—Crocs—have made a friendly wager on the outcome of Super Bowl XLIX. Their bet is all about seafood. If the Patriots wins, Batali will send Schlow six extra-large Dungeness crabs. If the Seahawks win, Schlow will send Batali a dozen Maine lobsters.



WBUR’s Radio Boston vs. KUOW Public Radio

Radio Boston called out Seattle’s KUOW on Twitter, betting a case of Pretty Things. KUOW agreed, offering up a case of Hillard’s Beer’s 12th Man Pale Ale. They also upped the ante so that the losing team’s GM has to read a list of reasons the winning team is better. You know what? Something just feels so right about public radio stations fighting with their words and exchanging craft beer.