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A Question of Scale

The bad news: Massachusetts is facing an obesity crisis. The good news? There’s a way to fix it.

Minding the Gap

Solving Cambridge schools’ surprising race problem falls to superintendent Jeffrey Young. After a year in office, he’s still working to prove he’s the guy for the job.

Scott Brown Is the Most _________* Man In America

*Fill in the blank. He’ll be whoever you want him to be.

On Location: Coolidge Corner

Maximizing a day spent in Brookline’s commercial center.

A Simple Scheme to Rob 45,700,000 People

A Simple Scheme to Rob 45,700,000 People

Three years ago a group of computer geeks slipped into the servers at Framingham-based TJX — the parent company of T. J. Maxx — and orchestrated the world’s biggest identity heist.

Our Guy: Jason Varitek

He keeps to himself. He intimidates his teammates. And yet, he’s the most adored guy in town. As the last of the original Dirt Dogs stares down the twilight of his career, we ask: Why are we still so obsessed with Jason Varitek?

Scenes from the Revolution

State Senator Scott Brown’s U.S. Senate win over Attorney General Martha Coakley stunned the nation, derailed Obama’s signature political initiative, and handed state Republicans their first major victory in decades. Here, a behind-the-scenes look at the final days of the historic campaign for Ted Kennedy’s seat.

Q&A with Harry Markopolos

In spite of all your warnings, the SEC repeatedly missed catching Bernie Madoff. You write than an official from the SEC’s Inspector General’s Office cried […]

On Location: Inman Square

Inman Square has retained the bohemian feel that’s drawn hippie kids to places like Ryles jazz club since the ’70s.

Money 2010

In this era of economic anxiety, the question of how your paycheck stacks up looms larger than ever. A shameless accounting of who’s making what—and how they’re spending it.

Unsung Hero: Lewis H. Latimer

“His life was fascinating.”

Top of Mind Henry Louis Gates

Top of Mind: Henry Louis Gates Jr.

Harvard professor, public television star, genealogy expert, presidential drinking buddy, 59, Cambridge.

Sextracurricular Activities

Sextracurricular Activities

When an abstinence club at Harvard got a little too preachy, a student group sprang up to defend a campus activity few thought would ever be imperiled: college kids having sex.

City Life

An Inauspicious Start to Charles P. Pierce's Blog

I’m thrilled that the Globe finally gave Charles P. Pierce a home deserving of his wit and literary talent: Namely, his own blog. But I […]

The Withering

The Withering

A year ago, the storied Massachusetts Horticultural Society stunned Boston by canceling its famous flower show. But the roots of the group’s financial troubles went much deeper than even its members understood.