Spanning the Web

1193768308Taking you around the internet for your afternoon enjoyment.

The non-rolling rally: Politicians, Red Sox ownership, and the team’s catchers stood on the steps of the State House today to celebrate the World Series victory. Again. We’ve had fun, but we’ve got bigger things to worry about. []

Like calls to take out Tom Brady: A video on YouTube features a little ditty imploring someone to “Go Gillooly” on the Patriots QB. Listen, the team is kicking ass in a perfectly legal way. We think. So stop hating. [YouTube via Bostonist]

Stepping up to Letterman: Jonathan Papelbon is taking his step-dancing shtick to late-night television tonight. Instead of doing the jig, we hope he uses his training with the bullpen band to play drums. Just for a little change of pace. [WBZ]

Charlie on the Greenbush line: The MBTA has started service on its newest commuter rail branch. One woman was so excited to ride the first train into Boston she wants it noted in her obituary. [WCVB]