What’s News

Your condensed guide to today’s daily papers.

1194615773That didn’t take long: Police Commissioner Ed Davis pledged to investigate the officers named in the trial of Roberto Pulido just hours after the former officer’s guilty plea. Our hope for more salacious Herald covers remains alive. [Globe]

It may be time to look into that new transportation agency: Loans for the Big Dig have been downgraded, bringing the bonds closer to junk status. Moody’s Investor Services cites the Turnpike Authority’s increased spending in the face of falling revenue, along with the fact it “lacks a clear financial plan.” No kidding. [Herald]

Money Management 101: After announcing that reconstruction of a tunnel on Storrow Drive would be delayed indefinitely, the Department of Conservation and Recreation announced it will spend $6.8 million on temporary repairs. Now we’re not city planners, but wouldn’t it be more cost-effective to invest that money in a new tunnel? [Globe]

Now all we need are solar panels on the dome: Beacon Hill is going green. Kinda. While he still uses the infamous Cadillac for business, Governor Deval Patrick bought a hybrid Toyota Highlander for his personal use. House Speaker Sal DiMasi replaced the light bulbs in his office with compact fluorescent bulbs, and plans to do the same in the House chamber. [Herald]