What’s News

Your condensed guide to today’s daily papers.

Because, God forbid, you wouldn’t be able to text message for a few minutes:In a continuing effort to make sure people are never separated from their wireless devices for too long, another service provider offers a signal that works underground. [Globe]

Statie gets off: A judge threw out charges against a state trooper stemming from a bar fight that involved BC football players Gosder Cherilus and DeJuan Tribble. That’s good news for the statie, but will the Eagles be at full strength for their fifth-tier bowl game? [Herald]

Don’t mess with Southie: The Globe rediscovers South Boston and reports on the long-standing tradition of using any means necessary to secure a snow-bound parking spot. There’s still snow? [Globe]

They obviously didn’t consult George Bush’s attorneys: The Newton South school newspaper blows the whistle on hidden cameras placed at the school, leaving the school’s administration looking particularly sheepish. [Globe]