The Last Word

Your long day of corporate drudgery is over. Get out and enjoy the city! Here are a few ideas to get you started, lovingly picked by Boston Daily.

Do you sometimes wonder what happened to those metalheads who wandered the halls of your high school, looking surly in their threadbare Black Sabbath t-shirts? You can probably find out tonight at tonight’s Ozzy Osbourne and Rob Zombie show.

Kids these days don’t understand the significance of Rent. Gather up the little malcontents and bring them to the Boston run of the show that introduced gay and lesbian themes to countless Gen X-ers.

We love American history, especially when it’s presented to us by pop-culture icons. Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States is being turned into a television miniseries. You can watch notables like Matt Damon and Danny Glover read for The People Speak as it tapes at the Majestic tonight and tomorrow.

If watching the presidential hopefuls fold themselves into various positions for votes reminds you of something you can’t quite put your finger on, let us help you: It’s probably origami. The Peabody Essex Museum’s Origami Now! exhibit wraps up tonight.