Spanning the Web

Taking you around the internet for your afternoon enjoyment.

1199992110This is why we always went to Cancun for Spring Break: A 17-year-old from Connecticut was set on fire and forced to drink urine at a house party in Allston in 2005. We’ve had some pretty rough nights out, but none that bad. [Herald]

The one time recycling actually pays: A man from Oxford spent the money he earned from collecting the deposit on bottles and cans on some lottery tickets and won $10 million. And we won nothing. We must have some bad karma. [WBZ]

Isn’t it weird when you don’t hear about a family for years, then they all come out of the woodwork? Alexandra Kerry, daughter of John Kerry, weighs in on Hillary Clinton’s show of emotion earlier this week. In short, she’s cool with it. [Daily Intelligencer]

Not only would it wipe out an entire town, but an explosion will level the economy, as well: A report from the Government Accountability Office says that if terrorists attacked the LNG facility in Everett the region’s economy would be just as devastated as the town itself. Sleep tight, everybody! []