Oh, That Hippity Hop

1200328240What’s worse: that the Globe accidentally paired a photo of the Wu-Tang Clan with its review of the Handel and Haydn Society’s opera-musicals, or that, if this wasn’t a mistake, it’d be entirely conceivable the Globe could run a review of the Wu-Tang Clan with the headline, “Exploration of words and music proves wholly entertaining.” Because, you know, the Wu-Tang perform words and some music, and it can be wholly entertaining. Them’s just the facts.

The pairing is especially great because the Handel and Haydn review, which drags on for 450 words, does its best to speak high-class with flowery, white-handkerchief language. The “morsels of music,” we learn, were “delicious” and “delightful,” and had a “tender earthy wit.” Oh, that Ghostface Killa—so enchanting!