What’s News

Your condensed guide to today’s daily papers.

1200403494Looks like he’s penciled in that casino revenue: Gov. Deval Patrick will increase spending on education in the state by $368 million, despite a budget shortfall of $1.3 billion. [Globe]

And he did it against the advice of his treasurer: State Treasurer Tim Cahill warns Gov. Patrick not to include the $800 million in casino licensing fees in the budget since the governor would be “tipping [his] hand,” which would keep revenue from the license bids down. Way to work a metaphor, Tim. [Herald]

That yelp you heard was your wallet preparing to be raided: Remember all those doom and gloom toll hike discussions we had last summer? And how 2008 brought only modest hikes? Try to remember those heady times as you pay another toll increase to cover the huge repair bill the Turnpike Authority faces. [Globe]

Things are going to get heated in Dorchester tonight: The Boston Firefighters Union will picket Mayor Tom Menino’s state of the city address tonight, and will hold a press conference before the event to “tell [their] side of the story.” This ought to be interesting. [Herald]