What’s News

Your condensed guide to today’s daily papers.

1200576484Maybe the contingency plans are that we all get vacations? MBTA General Manager Dan Grabauskas is on vacation in Thailand, much to the chagrin of the governor’s office. Grabauskas took off just weeks before a possible Amtrak strike could send thousands more commuters onto the subway at rush hour, but left behind some contingency plans. [Herald]

Everybody loves a part-time job with national exposure: Gov. Deval Patrick has been chosen by the DNC as one of the three co-chairpersons of convention Platform Committee. If his pal Barack Obama gets the Democratic nomination, he may even get to give a speech. [Globe]

What better to teach a child math skills than blackjack? The Massachusetts Teachers Association has endorsed Gov. Patrick’s plan to open three casinos in the state. The union hopes the revenue from casinos will improve schools. [Herald]

Shocking testimony on Beacon Hill: Foes of the controversial shock therapy treatments at the Judge Rotenberg Educational Center have hopes a bill limiting the use of the technique will pass. Legislatures heard testimony for supporters as well, who credit the treatment with helping their loved ones. [Globe]