What’s News

Your condensed guide to today’s daily papers.

1201180584Hey Tom, can you put the boot on again? The Herald gets in on the Super Bowl mudslinging by taking shots at New York’s tabloids. This is going to get old so fast. [Herald]

Don’t expect to hear Mitt Romney touting statewide insurance on the stump anytime soon: The cost of mandatory insurance has risen to $400 million in Gov. Deval Patrick’s proposed budget. And guess who’s going to end up paying the extra money? Taxpayers. [Globe]

We’re shocked that the Speaker disagrees with the Governor. Shocked! House Speaker Sal DiMasi and his budget aide released a joint statement yesterday railing against the governor’s $28.1 billion budget, calling instead for fiscal responsibility in these tough financial times. [Herald]

Who says you can’t legislate common sense? The House passed a bill that will bring stiff penalties for texting and making calls on a cell phone without a hands-free device. [Globe]