What’s News

Your condensed guide to today’s daily papers.

1201699394Another primary, another silver for Romney: John McCain beat Mitt Romney by five points in yesterday’s Florida primary. Rudy Giuliani, whose strategy was to win Florida and cruise to the nomination on Super Tuesday, came in a distant third. He may drop out and endorse McCain as soon as today. [Globe]

Jinx! Mayor Menino’s a jinx! Patriots fans are livid the city has announced it’s planning for a Super Bowl victory parade before the team has actually won. We don’t think the city is being cocky— it’s trying to prevent lawsuits from voter’s rights groups when little old ladies can’t get past the drunk fans to vote on Super Tuesday. [Herald]

Showdown over city hall: Depending on who you ask, Mayor Tom Menino is either thrilled to have the opportunity to have the Boston City Council examining his proposal to move city hall to the South Boston waterfront or livid Council President Maureen Feeney nominated possible mayoral candidate Michael Flaherty to lead the investigation. [Globe]

WRKO can’t catch a break: Months after Howie Carr tried to jump to WTKK, the AM station now has to deal with former House Speaker Tom Finneran’s part-time gig as a lobbyist and the potential conflict of interest that creates. Some days, they must feel like they’re herding cats over there. [Herald]