The Safe Homes Initiative Finally “Works”

1210709596Boston’s controversial Safe Homes program got off to a rocky start last month. Community leaders and civil libertarians were nervous about the initiative, which allows parents to invite police officers to search their homes for weapons without a warrant. But it didn’t prove to be too much of a problem since nobody was taking advantage of the service.

Until now. Kinda. (Not really.)

The Herald reports that the program has taken two guns off Boston’s streets.

On April 30, a concerned South End mother called a school police officer to inquire about the program. She directed cops to the bedroom of her teenage son, where cops found and seized an illegal gun[.]

[O]n May 6, cops got a call from a local youth worker who reported that a Roxbury mother had turned over her teenage son’s gun. Boston school police officers working for the Safe Homes Initiative met the youth worker, who turned over the weapon to them.

Two down. Approximately 5,678 left to go. What a grand success.