What’s News

Your condensed guide to today’s daily papers.

1216730327Don’t book a venue just yet: Members of the House are angry with Speaker Sal DiMasi. They don’t want to vote on legislation that would make it legal for out-of-state gay couples to marry because it could hurt their reelection chances. [Herald]

Mayor Menino wants to see your doctor’s note: Hizzoner has asked the Fire Department to review its records to see if any doctors have diagnosed a disproportionate number of its employees for disability. [Globe]

Ew: The Herald found a picture that Neil Entwistle posted to a swinger web site, describing it as “grotesquely endowed.” Well, there goes our appetite. [Herald]

John McCain stays domestic: The Republican presidential candidate hung out with the elder George Bush in Kennebunkport yesterday, riding around in a golf cart and taking shots at Barack Obama. [Globe]