Photos of The Hop-21 Marathon Training Run This Weekend

CharityTeams runners did their long run this weekend dressed as bunnies and chicks.


CharityTeams runners dressed in spring fashion for Saturday’s “Hop-21” (Photo by Margaret Burdge)

When Susan Hurley, founder of CharityTeams said, “Be sure to bring carrots for the bunnies,” she was talking about a certain breed of marathon runners who completed this weekend’s long run decked out in spring-themed garb.

You may remember seeing superheroes shooting down the marathon route earlier this month, but this weekend, for CharityTeams’ “Hop-21,” runners completed their last long run before the marathon in full spring style. Because when you’re out there running 21 miles, why not?

CharityTeams works with non-profit teams (21 in total for this year’s Boston Marathon) to foster camaraderie for the race. As many of the runners are first-timers, CharityTeams suggests dressing in costume to take some of the pressure off the longer runs. Saturday’s run, from Hopkinton to the 21-mile mark just after Heartbreak Hill, is the last of the long runs before many of the runners taper off in preparation for Marathon Monday.

If you missed the frenzy this weekend, check out some of the photos below for a glimpse of the action: