Local Wives Give Wedding Day Advice to Local Brides

What do former brides wish they'd known about the Big Day? Here are 10 wedding day protips from women who've already 'been there, done that.'

Church photo via Shutterstock

Church wedding photo via Shutterstock

As with all major life events, hindsight is 20/20 when it comes to your wedding day. Here are a few pieces of advice from former brides on what they wish someone had told them on their Big Day. Take heed—these ladies are experts.

“Make sure someone other than you is in charge of people-moving on your wedding day. Otherwise you’ll end up herding cats down the aisle and to picture taking.” – Rebecca, Worcester

“Take a moment to be still and in the moment. The photos are great, but don’t rely on them solely for the memories. It’s taken so long to plan, but goes by in a flash. Stop and enjoy it.” – Anne, Newton

“On that day, you’ve done what you can, so just let it be. Enjoy yourself and don’t worry if things aren’t ‘perfect.’ Snafus happen. That day live in the moment and just be with you new partner and loved ones.” – Christine, Lexington

“Don’t wish the photos were done so you can get to the reception. Don’t rush through talking to your guests so you can dance. You only get to do those things once! Make sure you’re present at every moment.” – Amy, Boston

“Don’t skimp on the photographer. They’re memories to last a lifetime and beyond!” – Alicia, Boston

“It’s actually supposed to be good luck if you have some rain. You can’t change the weather, so enjoy. Get a great photo of a group of friends holding large matching umbrellas over your head!” – Deborah, Medford

“Stay in the ‘bridal bubble.’ If something goes wrong, ask people to keep you out of it. Let your caterer/bridesmaids/mother/wedding planner take care of it, or just let it go.”Wendy, Newton

“Don’t leave your reception too early (as many wedding consultants advise). The people most important to you are all in one room. That won’t happen again in your lifetime.”Julie, Boston

“Don’t skip the video.”Danielle, Boston

“Be each other’s scapegoat. That way you never get stuck talking to someone too long!”Michelle, Chestnut Hill


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