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City Life

Mitt Romney’s After-Christmas Sale

In the midst of our holiday shopping, we noticed Mitt Romney’s campaign was offering an array of gifts for the special conservatives in our life. […]

City Life

The Wireless Version of Face-Off. Kinda

We imagine operating wireless towers to be a rather ho-hum business. Still got a wireless connection? Great. That is, until your chief rival impersonates you […]

City Life

Daniel Tavares Continues to Haunt Romney

The Herald continues to bang the Daniel Tavares drum today with a story sourced by someone involved in Deval Patrick’s probe of the Department of […]

City Life

Benazir Bhutto’s Boston Connection

The news that former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was assassinated today has brought back a flood of memories from those who knew her during […]


Puff Love

This time of year, it’s not unusual for certain foods to keep cropping up on the Chowder radar: Champagne. Cookies. Chocolate. But lately we’re starting […]

City Life

Clemens Hires P.I.

The latest news on the Roger Clemens front is that his legal team has hired a private investigator to look into the claims of his […]

City Life

Everybody Hates Mitt

Famed lost-girl-finder Mitt Romney zig-zags across New Hampshire today for the last time before the Iowa caucuses, and he couldn’t be leaving the state quickly […]

City Life

Now Everyone Can Enjoy Bryant Gumbel

It’s not every day that the forces of good triumph over evil, but yesterday’s announcement by the NFL Network that everyone in our fair country […]

Driven to Insanity

Years of bad feelings among cabbies, passengers, and city regulators are coming to a boil. But the question of how to fix the problem remains as inscrutable as that foul-smelling stuff your driver’s eating.


Lawyer: We Are Working to Put the Company Back Together

Alpha Omega stores remained closed today, four shopping days before Christmas. At the Natick store, posted signs read ‘Closed for Inventory,’ but stores at other […]

City Life

Rhode Islanders Are Football Fans Too

We’re going to make like Mitt Romney and talk semantics for a moment. While we generally refer to the team as the Pats, the full […]

City Life

The Herald *Hearts* John McCain

Yesterday, we noticed that the Herald was a little bit star-struck by Republican presidential candidate John McCain. He took time out of his campaigning to […]

City Life

It Depends on What Your Definition of March Is

Everybody says something stupid from time to time. It’s part of life. But the actions you take immediately after you misspeak can greatly change the […]

Playing Through the Pain

A quarter of the way into his first season in Boston, things are going as well as anyone could have expected for Kevin Garnett. He’s […]

City Life

Schilling Speaks (and Speaks)

We’ve been avoiding this one because, well, everyone else has given Curt Schilling’s post on 38 Pitches about the Mitchell Report an enormous amount of […]