What’s News

Your condensed guide to today’s daily papers.

1195220522Guess we’ll have to stare at the boulder in our backyard now: Plymouth Rock, the landing place of our Pilgrim forefathers, will be put in a box as the portico that surrounds it is repaired. You won’t be missing much—Plymouth Rock is easily one of the least remarkable historical landmarks ever. [Globe]

Getting out of town just got easier: Logan Airport announced plans to make traveling easier during the Thanksgiving crunch. It will expand cheap parking options and will open additional gates for delayed planes. And if those steps don’t work, you’ll have a cot and food vouchers for your holiday in the airport. [Herald]

Good news, bad news: The proposed nonbinding referendum on casino gambling was ruled out of order by Senate President Therese Murray. But the good news is the Senate approved moving the primary up to February 5. [Globe]

If we have to look at them on the T, motorists shouldn’t be spared: People are up in arms over the gigantic iPod ad that covers the “Whaling Wall” mural at 33 Traveler Street. The ad will be up only while the building is weatherproofed. [Herald]