What’s News

Your condensed guide to today’s daily papers.

1196861263As long as he got a juice box and a nap, he was an exemplary employee: A longshoreman was sentenced to two years of probation and four weeks of home confinement after he put his 4-year-old son on the Massport payroll as a heavy equipment operator. [Globe]

To be fair, they did say he was not dangerous sexually: State psychologists deemed Leeland Eisenberg safe for release after he raped two women in the 80’s. Whoopsie. [Herald]

Better late than never: Gov. Deval Patrick and his administration are considering revising the arrest warrant system after Daniel Tavares Jr. missed a probation hearing and went on to kill again. Violent criminals would face nationwide warrants, and non-violent crimes would be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. [Globe]

At least he’s not a scientologist: A poll conducted last month shows that voters are more biased against Mormons than they are against African-Americans and women. In addition, the evangelical bloc Mitt Romney loves so much views members of his faith with the same disdain they reserve for atheists. Ouch. [Herald]