What’s News

Your condensed guide to today’s daily papers.

1204291570Welcome to the bandwagon: That’s the message from long-time Celtics season ticket holders who are no longer the only people cheering the team. You say that now, but be careful what you wish for. [Globe]

Finally, someone realizes not to tangle with old people: The House overwhelmingly passed legislation that would give towns the ability to exempt people over 65 years of age and making less than $60,000 a year from voter-approved tax overrides. Critics say it’s just a way to keep the persnickety old folks home and make the tax increases likelier to pass. Doy. [Herald]

This is why we make sure to pee before a big test: Firefighters who took a promotional exam at a Quincy middle school will have to retake it after an anonymous tipster claimed there was rampant cheater-like behavior at that location. Test-takers took frequent bathroom breaks, and allegedly text messaged answers to those still in the room. [Globe]

Hope the guests will remember to check their rooms for cameras: Kraft Group president Jonathan Kraft says the group is opening a 4-star hotel near Gillette Stadium to foster off-season convention business. He encouraged other sports teams and tourism officials to band together to find ways to entice fans to stay in Massachusetts longer and spend more money. [Herald]