The Last Word

Your long day of corporate drudgery is over. Get out and enjoy the city! Here are a few ideas to get you started, lovingly picked by Boston Daily.

A best-selling author and a literary critic agree to a debate. It could be a recipe for disaster, or perhaps an amiable chat. Find out how it goes down as Jonathan Franzen and James Wood appear at Harvard tonight.

Women love to drink wine, so why shouldn’t they love to make it? Rialto chef Jody Adams brings together four female winemakers from around the world for the Women Winemakers Dinner.

We admire Eddie Izzard for managing to look better in heels than we do. The wildly popular British comedian stops in Boston for two shows this week.

Colombo yogurt celebrates its newly christened Newbury Blueberry flavor with a giveaway tomorrow morning. Colombo founder Bob Colombosian will be there to make a donation to the Newbury Street League, and you get a free breakfast. Everybody’s happy!