What’s News
Your condensed guide to today’s daily papers.
Tried and failed: The Archdiocese of Boston has failed to sell the Caritas Christi Health Care chain. The group of hospitals is in financial trouble, making it difficult to provide good care and scaring us into visiting Mass General for our emergency care. [Globe]
Old and bored: The Herald is in a uproar because representatives are skipping out on votes. Politicians argue it’s hard to plan their lives around big votes and sometimes miss them. [Herald]
Young and hungry: Casino lobbyists have been on Beacon Hill since earlier this year, and they’re working to push casinos through. We’d work pretty hard if we were paid $558,000 too. [Globe]
Bickering and dickering: Boston Police detective unions have given DA Dan Conley a no-confidence vote after he transfered MBTA murder cases to State Police detectives without consulting Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis. [Globe]