The Last Word

Your long day of corporate drudgery is over. Get out and enjoy the city! Here are a few ideas to get you started, lovingly picked by Boston Daily.

There are several signs that spring is actually here. The flowers are blooming. Flip-flops are coming out of winter storage. And it’s opening night for the Boston Pops. Natalie Cole joins Keith Lockhart and the orchestra to kick off the 2008 season.

The warm weather also gives us a good excuse to spruce up our wardrobes. StyleFixx Girl’s Night Out brings together 55 designers and brands, as well as some of the city’s best salons, for a night of beauty and fashion.

We’ll take chocolate pretty much any way we can get it. We’re especially intrigued, though, by chocolate that was once reserved to Spanish royalty. Find out if it’s really worthy of a queen at Ballotin Chocolates’ Amedei tasting.

After an evening of buying fancy chocolates and a new spring wardrobe, you may be shocked to see your checking account balance dip so low. Get a handle on your finances at Create a Better You: Building Financial Freedom.