A Coyote in New Hampshire Got a Jar Stuck on Its Head

Residents spotted the coyote with a plastic container on its noggin.

Welcome to Weirdest Thing of the Week, where…well, we point out weird things.

coyote jar head

Image courtesy of NH Fish and Game

It hasn’t been a good start to 2016 for a coyote in Pembroke, New Hampshire.

The coyote was spotted walking with its head stuck in a plastic jar last weekend. According to a New Hampshire Fish and Game spokesperson, a conservation officer attempted to remove the jar from the animal’s head, but the coyote ran away as the officer approached. It is still unclear whether the coyote has safely removed the jar from its head.

“It is possible that the coyote was able to remove the plastic jar from its head on its own, or it may have gone deeper in to the woods, and has not been seen for a couple of days,” said Lt. Scott LaCrosse of the NH Fish and Game Department in a statement earlier this week.

There have been no calls about the coyote since the weekend, meaning the animal successfully freed itself—or that the nuisance became more serious.

A spokesperson from the department reminded residents not to leave empty food containers in places where wildlife can get into them.


Have you noticed funky happenings lately? Tell me about them: mbilis@bostonmagazine.com, @madelinebilis.