Five Ways to Complete Your Mudroom

Shelves, check. Coat hooks, check. What’s next?

Mud·room, n the utilitarian New England home staple, brimming with shoes and backpacks; a small entryway containing coats and muddy boots

It’s the first room you see when you come home, and often the first room guests see when they’re visiting, which is why just having the correct number of hooks and storage bins won’t do. As rain begins to turn to slush, striking balance in the mudroom is of the utmost importance. A few more elements are necessary to complete the half-sized entryway.

Get a holder for your keys

There’s an emphasis on utilitarianism in the definition of a mudroom. Even if you always keep your keys stuffed in your coat pocket, make sure there’s a keys holder around for spares. (Maybe you can even train yourself to keep them there.) A rack or good old-fashioned bowl will work. Bonus points if the keys holder fits mail, too.

Choose a bench with storage

Taking the time to unlace your Bean Boots requires a comfy and functional seat. If you’ve made space for a bench in the mudroom, it needs storage. Get one with a seat that lifts open, or at least make sure there’s room for bins beneath.

Keep decorating to a minimum

Oversized seashell prints will not make the cut here. If you want to decorate, it’s imperative to stay practical. Keep it simple with beautifully designed, useful room elements, like a clock or calendar.

Stick a mirror close to the door

The last-minute check before running out the door is not vain—it’s efficient. Whether you mean to or not, catching a glimpse of yourself before heading to work (with or without toothpaste on your shirt) can’t hurt. Full-length mirrors will make the space appear larger.

Store a mop close by

While it makes sense to keep a mop where there’s consistently mud and dirt, this isn’t just for convenience’s sake. If there’s muck on the floor, you risk the chance of trudging through it, dragging it around the house while you’re finding something to clean it up with.